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Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas in 7A

Come on in! Ms. Patton's class is always open. :)

I always want to remember what I have done year to year in my classroom. This December was a FUN time for our Kinders! I hope they all have great memories from our fun. 

Square Books Junior had Chris Van Allsburg, the author of The Polar Express for a book signing at the end of November. The teachers had all decided that we would do the play as our Christmas program this year. I thought it would be awesome to meet him and get my classroom copy of the book signed. I stood in line, met him, snuck a picture and then COMPLETELY forgot to read the book and tell the story to my kiddos.
(typical December madness incident.) Ha! Can't wait to share this memory with my kiddos next year. 

Snowflake, our elf, showed up from the North Pole and was still cold from his travels! Our kiddos named him and we learned a lot from him. How to be patient, how magic happens and how we need to behave so that he can brag on us to Santa! :) These are just a few of the funny things we experienced with him. He was a BUNDLE of fun! (except for that day that the teacher forgot to move him). OOPS!


Our Christmas party at school could only consist of a few hours so we found lots of things to fill that time. Together as a class, we made fake snow with the ingredients above and it was SO much fun. It's cold and mold able so it  makes for a fun science experiment too!  Then, we made our goody bags for the students to take home which included their ornaments that they made their parents. These were super easy this year and are so cute because they include their thumbprints. I love a good home-made gift that a parent can keep forever. 

 We had a great day watching "The Polar Express" after our play and enjoying hot chocolate. All my teacher friends that have this fun day.. Please tell me that you pour a gallon of chocolate milk into your crockpot and call it a day! Much easier and it taste phenomenal. 

In December, I absolutely love being a teacher! Having so much fun with these kiddos is what I do best and I'm praying that they learn something in the process. Teaching is so much more than kids learning facts from a book. The experiences that they have are what makes learning so fun. I hope that they carry so many fun memories from our December together.

What fun things did you incorporate in your classroom?

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